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SO sorry for the long update and pause

So I guess I have been slacking on writing on the blog… I blame pregnancy brain. This is gonna be a long long post so I can make sure to get everything out….

Pregnancy Update….

24 weeks’ wow how has time has flown we found out baby Coburn is a GIRL!!! How exciting, we are keeping her name a secret till she is here but her initials will be KRC. We found out around 18 weeks that I have an abdominal hernia, up to this point it has just been uncomfortable, the last week or two I have been having episodes of extreme pain, when we talked with the doctor she said that she thinks its because my intestines are slipping through the hernia, this can be a big problem if they get stuck and the blood supply is cut off, the only way to be sure if this is what is causing the pain is to do a CT scan, the problem with that is that it will expose baby girl to some radiation. Doctor D hopes that as my uterus grows that it will push my intestines out of the way so they can’t slip into the hernia anymore. Here is to hope.

SYMPTOMS: I have been feeling pretty good but still struggle with HG (hyperemesis gravidarum), I take meds that help me with that most days. I do get tired QUICK, like quicker than quick lol but I know that is to be expected. There is nothing else that really stands out besides the normal peeing all the time and drinking fluids (mostly Crystal Light Lemon tea) like a fish out of water lol.

CRAVINGS: BAKED POTATOS (with cheese and sour cream and SALT) this is my biggest craving, I eat it several times a week, baby girl loves it, on days that I can’t keep anything down you can bet that I can keep down a baked potato. Joe is tired of eating pork chops but most other meats make me sick but little by little I am managing to keep down other meats.

Bradley Update……

Bradley is a ball of energy. He is excited to be having a baby sister and he likes to give her hugs just about every day. He loves going to forest school and is thriving in learning. He is becoming more and more responsible each day helping more and more and growing so so fast. His mind is a sponge and he is sucking up everything he can. He is starting to learn to read and yes he does get frustrated but we are working through it.

Matthew Update…..

Matthew is Matthew, we are seeing more and more of the Autism traits but that don’t stop him from being amazing. he is still having some issues with his speech, we are working on that but most likely this will be something that he will deal with for the rest of his life. His brain and his mouth don’t always communicate the way they should, sometimes he has to stop and think about each word he is going to say before he says it. That means that sometimes when he talks he takes a break between each of his words. Another thing that we are working on with him is the Pincher Grasp, it’s not that Matthew don’t know how to do it, it’s that he just doesn’t do it much, he still likes to use his fists to grab things, he can drop money into a piggy bank but when he is not forced to do it he still uses his fists to grab things (like when he is grabbing cereal, nuts or toys). He still is not gaining weight a whole heck of weight but he is not losing weight at the same time. Each day that goes by we learn more and more with him. He is so eager to learn, sometimes that can be frustrating to him but he still gives it a go.

Joe Update…..

He is going to school full time which has been fun for him. We have been having more VA appts to try and figure out some things that are going on medically with him. Right now we have a few answers but for right now we are only sharing with family as to not have anyone feel like they are left out. He has a big apt this month and soon after ill be able to update!


Well other than baby girl growing in my belling and the hernia I have been doing well. I enjoy homeschooling the boys so much. The look on their faces when they finally get something and it clicks is just amazing. I’m going to be getting back into the blog because let’s face it being on Modified bed rest is not fun and there is not a whole lot I can do when I am in bed besides watch tv, spend my time on fb, read books and learn to crochet.

So until my next post I hope everyone is happy and healthy. See you again next time!

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