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Pocket Organizer Review

Anyone that really knows the boys knows that they love to take Baths. The only time this is an issue is because we only have 1 tub in the house, the other bathroom is a stand up shower.

There are two sinks in the bathroom so what we were doing was taking the toys in an old QT cup and transferring them to one of the sinks, this had its own problems. We usually end up with some water on the floor. That is no fun. Then we are down a sink.

We have tried many organizers before to keep the boys toys up. One we tried almost hit Matthew in the head when it fell off the wall. This made me one angry momma bear.

When I was given the opportunity to try out this organizer I thought why not I can put it up and we will see how it goes because it should not hurt the boys.

I can tell you now that I am in love. It has been up for a while now, and actually we had to move it lower for Matthew and re position it. it is holding strong I can put the boys soap in it along with their toys and it has not fallen! The boys tug on it and pull on it when getting the toys out and putting them back in! This is so amazing.

You can use it for more than just for kids. I plan on ordering more when I can to put them in my shower for my big bottles of shampoo to get the old rusty shower caddy out. You could even suction them to a mirror and keep stuff in them. I may have to do this when we move to keep the cleaning supplies out of the way.

Another way you can use them is to put the loops that hold them on a tension rod and hang that just about anywhere.

Here is a video I did on it so you can see for yourself(having issues with the video i will upload it again when i can)

I am telling you the uses for this are ENDLESS. If you want to order yours just click HERE and order away!!!

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