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long night and feverish day

Yesterday after Matthew woke up from his nap, Josiah noticed he was really warm. So we take his temp its 102.7… oh yay… so I call the doctors office and they say that there is a really nasty virus going around and to just try to keep an eye on him and start his breathing treatments (Joe had told me that he heard Matthew coughing the night before). The Virus can last up to 5 days, and that most likely Bradley will catch it too…..

Poor Bradley had a really BAD night terror last night, I usually can handle them on my own but I had to call Joe in because Bradley started kicking and punching me (he was still “asleep” at this point so not his fault). After a bit between Mom, Joe and Myself we were able to get him calmed down and back to bed.

For some odd reason I could not sleep at all last night…. I tried with all my might but it just was not happening…. Finally around 4:30am I was able to fall asleep, bad thing is Joe has class on Friday mornings so I HAD to get up at 7:30am.

All Matthew wanted to eat this morning was… yup you guessed it.. BACON! We didn’t have any uncooked so I took some of the pre-cooked out and he was happy as a clam. I noticed that he was still really fussy and just about everything made him cry. While I was consoling him he felt warm again so I checked his temp (with some screaming from him he hates this) and it was 101.4…. yay (not really)…. Hopefully here soon we can take a nap….

As soon as Bradley gets home he should be able to play his Batman Game that his grandparents got him on the PS3… he has done so well at school this week!! Also if he gets a star he will get to pick a treasure from his treasure chest (I’ll make a post about that later)

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